[spoiler]Spoiler Content[/spoiler]
[imgleft]{url}[/imgleft][imgright]{url}[/imgright][imgleft {params}]{url}[/imgleft][imgright {params}]{url}[/imgright]
[b]alt[/b] - Alternate text if the event that the image can't be displayed.[b]width[/b] - Width of the image. Expressed in pixels.[b]height[/b] - Height of the image. Expressed in pixels.[b]margin[/b] - Margin around the image. Expressed in pixels.[b]margin-left[/b] - The image's left margin. Expressed in pixels.[b]margin-right[/b] - The image's right margin. Expressed in pixels.[b]margin-top[/b] - The image's top margin. Expressed in pixels.[b]margin-bottom[/b] - The image's bottom margin. Expressed in pixels.
[b]border-style[/b] - [b]REQUIRED![/b] Border style. Valid answers: [b]dotted[/b], [b]dashed[/b], [b]solid[/b], [b]double[/b], [b]groove[/b], [b]ridge[/b], [b]inset[/b], [b]outset[/b][b]border-width[/b] - Border width. Expressed in pixels.[b]border-color[/b] - Border color. Expressed either as [b]#xxx[/b], [b]#xxxxxx[/b], [b]rbg(x,x,x)[/b], or [b]{text}[/b]